Tuesday 5 November 2013

1 Poem by Tendai R. Mwanaka


Could infinity be demonstrated?
Using cause and effect.

Water could be the best way
to demonstrate it.

What is water?
What constitute it?

I am not talking of that scientific contrivance H to O thing, no. It’s not a good enough explanation.
There are both living and dead,
living in other contexts animals,
living in other contexts plants
in water, that will always
constitute water.
Water, can it really be lost.
Do we lose anything really?
It’s been there,
Water has been.
It will always be there.

In mathematical terms they are infinities that can’t be dealt with mathematically like some quanta of energy that shows infinity values. To solve them you have to do renormalisation, which is the introduction of other infinites to solve or cancel the first ones. Introducing a pest to solve another pest, thus creating a new pest.

Some wars can be solved that way
Some cannot.
Some wars have too much infinity that can’t be renormalized.

I can think of ethnic wars, and wars
Between religions.
Moslems against Christians, Nigeria,
Israel-Arab warfare…
Are some of these?

The holy war has been ongoing for years now...
Creating the third world war?

The effects of such a war
that can’t
be solved.


I was born in Zimbabwe, in the remote eastern highlands district of Nyanga, in Mapfurira village. Left Nyanga for Chitungwiza city in 1994, and I started exploring writing that year, when I was barely twenty. My first book to be published, Voices from exile, a collection of poetry on Zimbabwe’s political situation and exile in South Africa, by Lapwing publications, Ireland, 2010. KEYS IN THE RIVER: Notes from a Modern Chimurenga, a novel of interlinked stories that deals with life in modern day Zimbabwe was published by Savant books and publications, USA 2012, found here; http://www.savantbooksandpublications.com/9780985250621.php. A book of creative non-fiction pieces, ZIMBABWE: THE BLAME GAME, will be published by Langaa RPCIG( Cameroon 2013), a novel entitled, A DARK ENERGY will be published by Aignos publishing company( USA). I was nominated for the Pushcart twice, 2008, 2010, commended for the Dalro prize 2008, I was nominated and attended Caine African writing workshop, 2012. Published over  250 pieces of short stories, essays, memoirs, poems and visual art in over 150 magazines, journals, and anthologies in the following countries,  the USA , UK , Canada , South Africa, Zimbabwe, India , Mexico, Kenya, Cameroon, Italy , Ghana, Uganda, France , Zambia, Nigeria, Spain , Romania, Cyprus, Australia and New Zealand.

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