Saturday 5 May 2018

2 Poems by Patrick Hurley

a third coast opens up
in the middle of dry land

percussion of chthonic mallets
mingles elemental forces

the earth’s dull monarchy
gives way to an anarchy
of brilliant light and water

both contain charged particles
whose energies pulse
through bathers’ bodies

electric skin and shifting curves
meld into a new landscape
where all the senses are
merged into one super faculty

rows and columns collapse
into a single cell

the hammer blow of
instantaneous knowledge falls

floating in the earth’s diseased embryo
the illusionary ground shifts
but we walk

the molars of false reality
grind truth into a fine dust
and the digestive juices of
rationality transform beauty
into clear odorless excrement


Patrick Hurley taught writing and literature at various colleges for many years until he discovered bartenders make more than adjunct faculty and don’t have to grade papers. Now he makes poems. He is obsessed with a long project called walking.

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